The Immaculate Heart Crusaders

The bravest and fiercest catholic warriors, consecrated to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ; engaged in reconquering the western culture, by divine grace, through writing and cultural commentary, for the kingdom of God. Unapologetically and aggressively on the charge against liberalism, modernism, and the errors of Russia.

How I did wake up after de Revolution. Part 1.

Por Juan Carlos Penagos Trujillo.

En el principio existía el Verbo, y el Verbo estaba con Dios, y el Verbo era Dios. Él estaba en el principio con Dios. Todas las cosas fueron hechas por medio de Él, y sin Él nada de lo que ha sido hecho, fue hecho. En Él estaba la vida, y la vida era la luz de los hombres. Y la luz brilló en las tinieblas, y las tinieblas no la comprendieron.

Evangelio según san Juan 1: 1-5

Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. Er lag auf seinem panzerartig harten Rücken und sah, wenn er den Kopf ein wenig hob, seinen gewölbten, braunen, von bogenförmigen Versteifungen geteilten Bauch, auf dessen Höhe sich die Bettdecke, zum gänzlichen Niedergleiten bereit, kaum noch erhalten konnte. Seine vielen, im Vergleich zu seinem sonstigen Umfang kläglich dünnen Beine flimmerten ihm hilflos vor den Augen.

»Was ist mit mir geschehen?«, dachte er. Es war kein Traum. Sein Zimmer, ein richtiges, nur etwas zu kleines Menschenzimmer, lag ruhig zwischen den vier wohlbekannten Wänden.

Franz Kafka. Die Verwandlung. 1905

1. It seemed that things were about to get bad, truly bad

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The Temptation of Saint Anthony. Hieronymus Bosch. 1450-1516

The revolution is still out there. Nothing can escape its grasp. It has changed everything, and there is no place to shelter away from its venomous slogans and its deadly dystopian effects on everyday life. However, most people seem unaware about the extent, insidiousness, and depth of its hellish, destructive nature. If you ask them about the dramatic overthrowing of everything we used to take for granted: our liberties, dignity, the way not long ago one could earn and live a dignified although sometimes difficult life, some will even say that nothing of that sort has ever happened. They will say that maybe you are confused and fretting about nothing because you have a yesteryear’s spirit, reluctant against the unstoppable change and progress of both societal mœurs and institutions. In that case, they will, with a condescending grin indicate that being you at heart an old-days, good conservative guy, maybe even a monarchical nostalgic fellow, it is perfectly understandable that you feel uneasy about the accelerating pace of modernity and cultural evolution.

They will recommend, for your wellbeing, that you should try to get along with the way life is nowadays, including perks like big tech Marxism, mandatory vaccination, lockdowns, ecological disaster fearmongering, all-around sexual perversion propaganda, pervasive social justice ideology indoctrination, planetary demonic abortion ritual support and activism, digital health passports, and everyday cancel culture rituals.

They will not notice, as should be undeniable to any honest observer, that by so denying the existence of the fact about which you are demanding their impressions, they are indicating that it happened, and is still happening; even though to their dull-witted perception (or incredibly corrupted conscience) it appears under the deceptive appearance of everyday ‘business as usual’ life. To them, the turmoil seems to be just a regular storm, which soon will be gone. It does not matter that the same very storm has already been raging for months, years, decades, a century or, which perhaps would be a more accurate assessment, several centuries.

And it has done so while advancing stealthily, like a nasty cancer, of the kind that spreads through the entire body while its symptoms seem to be just those of some other innocuous and short-living health disorder; but only until it is too late to save the life of the compromised organism; and even just to fight the sufferings, ravages, and cruel pains caused by the last stage of the illness. Then, the sick person discovers that those sudden and occasional bleedings were not the result of stress, tiredness, or weather and temperature changes affecting their blood pressure, but something more unyielding and deadly which has finally come out of its den, into the light of day, to collect its wages.

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The “primera línea” en Colombia. The last embodiment of the hellish revolution in that country.

I used to be like them. For decades I did not notice anything. Meanwhile, the revolution was doing its job inside my mind and heart. Nevertheless, I had a lot of good luck. Lost, physical or psychological pain, economic strain, hunger, and solitude are not necessarily guaranteed harbingers of mental clarity, and could even bring with them some darker and contrary outcomes. Most people enter the revolution and become their most fanatical servants because of their failures and misfortunes. But it was only after I suffered what looks now like an unending chain of disastrous professional and private life events -which pushed me almost onto the brink of dereliction- that I finally came to the moment of anagnorisis.

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